New or used? 4 reasons why you should shop second-hand:
In this blog we give 4 reasons why you should shop second-hand, where you can shop, and how we as MER are making a difference.
In this blog we give 4 reasons why you should shop second-hand, where you can shop, and how we as MER are making a difference.
The pros at MER share their top tips for outdoor gear maintenance so you can continue enjoying your Colorado adventures for years to come.
Outdoor gear consignment stores get you outside quicker and cheaper than big-box chains. Learn the advantages to buying and consigning with MER.
Buying used climber gear provides an economically and ecologically friendly way to purchase climbing equipment, but read on to ensure you do so safely.
Are you ready to go (hiking) boots down this summer? Our gear tips for backpacking will keep your adventurous spirit alive on the Ring the Peak Trail.
Did you know? Colorado’s home to half the 14ers in America! Have you always wanted to climb a 14er? We have you covered with our list of essential gear.
Want in on a secret? More and more outdoor enthusiasts are turning to quality consignment stores for their gear. Why is this trend on the rise during COVID?
Outdoor enthusiasts all agree, Planet Earth is amazingly beautiful. One way to help keep it this way is by buying used outdoor gear. Read how this helps.
This holiday season when looking for a gift for your Colorado adventure lover, look at quality equipment at an outdoor gear consignment store.
Looking for the perfect gift for an outdoor guy either for a birthday or the upcoming holidays? Check out our comprehensive list of gifts!