Outdoor Gear Essentials Blog
MER is famous in Colorado Springs is for providing great consignment store deals on high-quality, brand-name new and used outdoor gear. To help our customers enjoy their gear our blog provides an abundance of information, advice, and actionable tips to help get you going!
Tips for Selling Used Backpacking Gear That is from a Top Brand
Need some ideas for selling used backpacking gear? In this post, we share our expert tips for making the process easier and more profitable.
Is It Safe to Hike and Camp During Coronavirus in Colorado?
Many people are feeling and anxious to get outdoors and have wondered if it's safe to hike and camp during Coronavirus in Colorado. Read on to find out!
Four of the Coolest Gear at the 2020 Outdoor Retailer Winter Show
The first Outdoor Retailer since the Winter Market and Snow Show joined forces proved to be an even bigger event than could be imagined. The combined show featured tons of new brands and lots of familiar favorites. Mountain Equipment Recyclers waded through the...
Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Used Ski Clothing in Colorado
You can stay warm, save tons of money and still be in still by buying used ski clothing. Read this quick shopping guide for expert advice.
Tips for Buying Second-Hand Skis
New ski equipment can be really expensive which is why many Colorado Springs mountain sports lovers wisely buy second-hand skis to save money or get better quality skis for the price of lower quality new skis. Generally, when buying used skis you need to consider...
Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates Guest Blog!
MWTA guest blog for MER - May 2018 Greetings MER readers! Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates (MWTA) is delighted to be the MER non-profit partner for the month of May. We’ve worked with MER for several years and the partnership has been consistently positive....
Kids on Bikes Guest Blog!
Hey M.E.R. Followers, this is a blog take over! I am Jessica Lieber, the Volunteer Coordinator for Kids on Bikes and the Pedal Station and I'm here to let you know more about our programs! It has been over a year since Kids on Bikes moved in with Mountain Equipment...
Our Choice for Best Family Colorado Ski Resorts!
In a state that has some of the best powder known to man, choosing the best ski resort to take your family to is not an easy decision, especially if it is your first time skiing or snowboarding. Listed below are four great family ski resort options for families...
Snowboard Buying Guide
Getting into snowboarding might seem daunting, and that’s why I want to provide some insight to make the process a bit easier. Below, I’ve put together a snowboard buying guide based on three very important aspects of the sport: knowing your riding style, knowing...
Forgot Your Boots?
I could count on my hands and feet the amount of times I’ve been asked, “Forgot your boots?” while out hiking a fourteener or trail running. And it’d be convenient too, since I do all my favorite outdoor activities in sandals. While somewhat of a trend right now,...
Cross Country Skiing in the Pikes Peak Region
Cross country skiing in Colorado is a great way to enjoy winter without the high costs and long lift lines at the resort. Enjoying solitude in the mountains while getting a great workout is as good as it gets! When I met my wife in 2005 she introduced me to the...
Where does the time go?
As most of you all know, having multiple outdoor sports is not easy. There is only so much time and money to go around and it can all get lost rather quickly if you don’t keep track of it all. Rock climbing used to always be my go to warm weather sport of choice....
A Free Month!
In June I was fortunate to have the entire month off work! My wife, dog (Molly) and I headed for the Oregon coast. We had two weeks in the beautiful state. We spent time in the Hood River Valley, then headed to the coast starting in the northwest corner near the...
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