Outdoor Gear Essentials Blog
MER is famous in Colorado Springs is for providing great consignment store deals on high-quality, brand-name new and used outdoor gear. To help our customers enjoy their gear our blog provides an abundance of information, advice, and actionable tips to help get you going!
7 Most Instagrammable Camping Spots Near Colorado Springs
This month our Guest Blogger, Gina Thompson, shares the 7 Most Instagrammable Camping Spots Near Colorado Springs. How many are on your feed?
UpaDowna – MER’s Non-Profit of the Month for July 2023
UpaDowna fills a need within the outdoor community to educate and promote adventure for all ages and abilities.
Should I Buy Used Climbing Gear?
Buying used climber gear provides an economically and ecologically friendly way to purchase climbing equipment, but read on to ensure you do so safely.
Catamount Institute – MER’s Non-Profit of the Month for June 2023
The missions of Catamount Institute is to connect kids to the outdoors through outdoor science education & adventures.
What Is Dispersed Camping In Colorado?
When the mountains are calling, you must go. One of the best adventures in Colorado's backcountry is dispersed camping. Get the whys, wheres and hows here.
Palmer Land Concervancy – MER’s Non-Profit of the Month for May 2023
Palmer Land Conservancy has been protecting Colorado's outdoors since 1977. Learn why they are our Non-Profit of the Month for May 2023.
7 Camping Hacks from MER Experts
Can't wait for summer so you can start camping? Our experts make getting into the outdoors easier with our list of 7 proven camping hacks.
Colorado Springs Mountain Bike Association – MER’s Non-Profit of the Month for April 2023
The Colorado Springs Mountain Bike Association (COSMBA) promotes diverse trial experiences and stewardship of the great outdoors.
Five Benefits of Using a Consignment Store When Buying a Used Bike for Sale
Are you tired of scouring Facebook Marketplace or Craig’s List for a high-quality used bike for sale? Your search can stop with the help of MER.
El Paso County Search and Rescue – MER’s Non-Profit of the Month for March 2023
The mission of El Paso County Search and Rescue is saving lives - through search and rescue and educating individuals on mountain safety.
Fun Colorado Outdoor Winter Activities for Non-Skiers
Do you love winter, but don't relish the idea of a day on the slopes? Fortunately, Colorado offers a plethora of activities for non-skiers. Learn more.
Women’s Mountain Bike Association – MER’s Non-Profit of the Month for February 2023
WMBA is dedicated to building and empowering a community of women through group mountain biking.
Common Beginner Skier Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Avoiding these common beginner skier mistakes can turn a miserable day on the slopes into a day that keeps you coming back for more.
Trails and Open Space Coalition – MER’s Non-Profit of the Month for January 2023
Trails and Open Space Coalition is dedicated to preserving open spaces and parks and creating a network of trails, bikeways and greenways for the Pikes Peak Region.
What to Know Before Buying Your First Snowboard
Are you thinking about buying your first snowboard this winter? We have all the info you need to get the best board for you at MER.