Outdoor Gear Essentials Blog
MER is famous in Colorado Springs is for providing great consignment store deals on high-quality, brand-name new and used outdoor gear. To help our customers enjoy their gear our blog provides an abundance of information, advice, and actionable tips to help get you going!
Colorado Springs Mountain Bike Association – MER’s Non-Profit of the Month for March 2024
The Colorado Springs Mountain Bike Association (COSMBA) promotes diverse trial experiences and stewardship of the great outdoors.
Go Green with Sustainable Skiing on Colorado’s Slopes
Learn why sustainable skiing is more than a trendy catch-phrase, and what steps you can take to minimize your impact while maximizing your fun.
Generation Wild of the Pikes Peak Region – MER’s Non-Profit of the Month for February 2024
RMFI is an organization of stewards and guardians who are passionate about caring for public land we all love and engaging the community to protect it.
Outdoor Gear Maintenance Tips to Extend the Life of Your Equipment
The pros at MER share their top tips for outdoor gear maintenance so you can continue enjoying your Colorado adventures for years to come.
RMFI – MER’s Non-Profit of the Month for January 2024
RMFI is an organization of stewards and guardians who are passionate about caring for public land we all love and engaging the community to protect it.
Choosing the Best Winter Hiking Gear
Don't let colder temperatures give you cabin fever! Our tips for the best winter hiking gear will keep you safe and warm on your next Colorado adventure.
Friends of Cheyenne Cañon – MER’s Non-Profit of the Month for December 2023
The Friends of Cheyenne Cañon aims to ensure that North Cheyenne Cañon Park remains a beautiful, safe, and enjoyable place for all visitors.
MER’s Ultimate Guide to Buying Used Skis
In Colorado, we love winter sports almost as much as we love getting a good deal. Learn everything you need to know about buying used skis.
Pikes Peak Climbers Alliance – MER’s Non-Profit of the Month for November 2023
Pikes Peak Climbers Alliance is MER's Non-Profit of the Month for November 2023. Learn how you can help PPCA advocate for local climbers by shopping in-store!
A Coloradan’s Guide to the Leave No Trace Principles
We all love living in colorful Colorado. Learn how adhering to the 7 leave no trace principles will keep Colorado beautiful for generations to come.
Friends of El Paso County Nature Centers – MER’s Non-Profit of the Month for October 2023
The Friends of El Paso County Nature Centers connect Southern Coloradans to the resources at Bear Creek and Fountain Creek Nature Centers.
Best Fall Hikes in Colorado Springs to Experience Colorful Foliage
Autumn is a great time of year to experience colorful Colorado. This list of the best fall hikes will inspire you to gear up and get out there!
Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance – MER’s Non-Profit of the Month for September 2023
The mission of PPORA is one we can all get behind: Strengthening the Pikes Peak Region's outdoor recreation industry through leadership and collaboration.
Why Outdoor Gear Consignment Stores Are So Popular
Outdoor gear consignment stores get you outside quicker and cheaper than big-box chains. Learn the advantages to buying and consigning with MER.
Blackpackers – MER’s Non-Profit of the Month for August 2023
Blackpackers is dedicated to creating an outdoor community that welcomes the underrepresented and economically vulnerable across Colorado.